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Mark Zuckerberg Facebook shuts down Radio Biafra London account


Facebook has, on Friday, executed a blanket shutdown of several account belonging to principal officers of the Indigenous People of Biafra [IPOB], including Radio Biafra.
Other principal officers whose accounts were also shut were: Uche Alphonsus Mefor, Clifford Iroanya, Uchenna Asiegbu, Austin Ofomah, et al.
Speculations are rife that the shutdown is not unconnected with the recent visit to Nigeria by Facebook proprietor, Mr. Mark Zuckerberg.
Other speculators are citing the overwhelming support by Biafrans, South Easterners, and South Southerners for Donald Trump towards the forthcoming U.S. president elections.
Proponents of later speculation argue that Radio Biafra London group could boast of having almost 1 million members and the U.S. election is in less than 2 weeks, November 8th. 
One such proponent claims that “with Radio Biafra's influence and that of its admin it could deliver thousands of votes to Donald Trump and alleged that Facebook does not want that. 
“Facebook has been exposed to be supporting Hillary Clinton and one of its owners has even donated money to Hillary Clinton's campaign. 
“Other Pro-Trump pages/groups and people have suspended or been taken down so Radio Biafra is no exception,” he said.
Mr. Zuckerberg recently visited Nigeria to advance his business interests and took the opportunity to meet President Muhammadu Buhari.

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