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Prof. Ben Nwabueze attests to Islamisation of Nigeria by President Buhari—A response by C. K. Ekeke


Renowned Constitution lawyer, Prof Ben Nwabueze, while speaking with newsmen at the meeting of Igbo Leader of Thought in Enugu last Wednesday, shed tears about the condition of Nigeria under president Buhari.

He lamented:
“This is a very crucial meeting for us because we have not met for more than a year. “And if you look at our agenda, such critical issues for discussion, issues like Islamisation agenda and its impact on the unity of the country are prominent. “Islamisation agenda is real, it’s not something that somebody has just conjured up; it is there. And it’s being implemented gradually. “Look at the security agencies; every aspect of security Islamists are in control in its entirety. “They are methodical the way they are going about its implementation. “Look at Fulani herdsmen menace, it is part of it.” The dominance of the country’s security outfits leadership by Muslims has been identified as one of the grand plan by Buhari to Islamise Nigeria, he said. 

I’m not surprised or should it be to anyone who knows quite well that Nigeria is an Islamic country. 

However, what surprises me though is why Prof. Ben Nwabueze, a renowned constitutional lawyer, who has been involved in almost all the constitutional conferences in the past including the current 1999 constitution, in which the late military dictator, General Abacha initiated, is talking and complaining about Islamic agenda in Nigeria now.  
Just reading the 1999 constitution will convince any doubter that Nigeria is institutionally Islamic.  

While the words such as Sharia, Islam, Moslem, Mohammad, etc. are mentioned abundantly in the 1999 constitution; no such words as Christ, Christians, Christianity, Jesus, etc. were ever mentioned in the same constitution.  
Where were all these Igbo constitutional scholars when the 1999 Condition was put together in which they were the chair?  
Dr. Uma Eleazu, one of the constitutional conference leaders for SS recently said that they simply put together what was given to them by military dictator Abacha and his Northern Caliphate.

Very sad indeed!
Even though there is a constitutional provision which stipulates freedom of religion, freedom speech, etc., yet Nigeria is largely Islamic State and continues to abuse such freedoms.  
Today, freedom of speech, human rights, peaceful protests, civil disobedience, and all freedoms of democratic society are under attack in Nigeria.  
Today, unarmed peaceful protesters are maimed and massacred with impunity in Nigeria. And no one says anything.  
We are now afraid of the president that we elected into office because he has the military apparatus behind him.  

Yet, people do not realize that the power of the president is temporary and transitory and his powers are nothing compared to the power of the people, masses, and citizens. That real power belongs to the people and not the president.
Essentially, we have become a coward citizenry.  
The presidential system which we practice: the Executive, Legislative & Judiciary arms and other institutions of democracy are simply a mockery of democracy and waste of the nation’s wealth and tax-payers money. 
Hausa-Fulani cannot practice true democracy because it contravenes what they believe.  

They function better as theocratic state—sort of Iranian or Saudi Arabia style of government.  And that’s where Buhari and other Fulani more militant than Buhari like Emir Sanusi Lamido Sanusi of Kano, Mallam Nasir Ahmad El-Rufai, Governor of Kaduna State, Governor Aminu Waziri Tambuwal of Sokoto and others are pushing Nigeria to go.
The satanic agenda to make Nigeria Islamic State did not start with President Mohammad Buhari; however, he’s pushing the needle.  
If the president is not stopped or his Islamic agenda curtailed, Nigeria will become increasingly Islamic by the time he completes his possibly two-term, assuming Nigeria did not break-up then.  

Even now, some religious leaders from SE/SS are aligning with this satanic plan agenda because of greed and selfishness.  
The SW do not have any issues with Nigeria being Islamized—because half of Yoruba are Moslems and even those who profess to be Christians can still go either way. 
In fact, a Yoruba began the popular religious movement called: CHRISLAM—a religious syncretism designed to mix the practice of Christianity and Islam in a worship experience. 
The Yoruba do not have any problem whatever becoming Moslem but it will be a tall order for Igbos and other Easterners.   
For me personally and my entire extended family, we will prefer to give our lives or seek refuge in some other nation.

It is very sad that since Buhari came into office, he has been busy implementing the agenda of Sokoto Caliphate and Northern jihadists and their conspirators in the SW and saboteurs in the SE/SS region.  
But, they will all fail.  God of heaven will not watch them enslave and Islamize children of God in the East.

The president’s policies, appointments, hate speeches and the unleashing of Nigeria military forces, Boko haram and Fulani herdsmen militia in SE to maim and massacre innocent citizens is unprecedented.  
Recently, President Buhari retired all the army, navy, and other military generals and other senior military officials mostly from the SE/SS region. 
I have never seen such hatred by a leader against the people he leads.  But, he will not succeed—unless God Almighty is not alive in the heavenly.  Buhari will meet his waterloo—even political waterloo.  

Currently, Buhari’s people—cousin, friends, and those loyal to him are in control of all the apparatus of military forces in the country.  
Even the courts and judges are under his influence—men and women of great legal minds under a man whose first school leaving certificate is still in question.  
This is how low, wretched and dysfunctional Nigerian citizens have become because of ethnic hatred, tribalism and religious intolerance to mobilize as a people.
We are doomed!  

However, I still believe we will conquer this bondage and slavery one day.  We will not remain in this slavery, bondage and captivity forever. 
History gives us enormous testimony and certainly history does repeat itself.   

By C. K. Ekeke

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