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NIGERIA: "Bullets were raining everywhere"!!

Global human rights movement Amnesty International has today published a sixty-page document titled "Nigeria: Bullets were raining everywhere", the report clearly maps out the barbaric human rights violations by Nigeria's security forces.

In the document following investigations by Amnesty it shows how: The Nigerian security forces, led by the military, embarked on a chilling campaign of extrajudicial executions and violence resulting in the deaths of at least 150 peaceful pro-Biafra protesters in the south east of the country.

Analysis of 87 videos, 122 photographs and 146 eyewitness testimonies relating to demonstrations and other gatherings between August 2015 and August 2016 consistently shows that the military fired live ammunition with little or no warning to disperse crowds. It also finds evidence of mass extrajudicial executions by security forces, including at least 60 people shot dead in the space of two days in connection with events to mark Biafra Remembrance Day.

The report in greater detail also covers: Extrajudicial Executions of Biafrans by Nigeria, Excessive use of Force, Torture, Arbitrary Arrests and Detention of Biafrans, Pervasive Culture of Impunity within the Military, The Indigenous People of Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu's Arrest and Detention, the denial of Freedom of Expression and Right of Peaceful Assembly, the Militarization of routine Police functions, along with accountability and the recommendations of the human rights group Amnesty International.
The Amnesty Press Release link is: https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2016/11/peaceful-pro-biafra-activists-killed-in-chilling-crackdown/
If you would like a full copy of the sixty page report by Amnesty International please email carol@ipob.org who will forward a copy to your email address.

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