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By Chuks Ikedigwe

Contrary to his claim that he was at the court on the day of the re-arraignment of the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu and 3 others because he had a court case in same court on that day, facts are beginning to emerge on the real reason behind the appearance of  Kenneth Okonkwo at the court and the reason for his very speedy denial that he made the appearance to show solidarity with the accused Biafran agitators.

According to our inside source that happens to know all that transpired, the appearance of Andy Okeke as he (Kenneth Okonkwo) is fondly called is not unconnected with the promise of financial and positional offers he was made by the Buhari led federal government of Nigeria.

Asked how he knew, our source who is a confidant of the Hollywood star said that it is easy. According to him, Kenneth Okonkwo is a Politician (haven’t contested for the National Assembly of his state, Enugu under PDP but ‘’lost’’ under questionable circumstances) but who is now ready to pitch his tent where ever his breads are well buttered.

The source who wants to remain anonymous said that the reason that the Buhari government paid the various media houses in the country to commence a total media blackout of their coverage of the trial of the IPOB leader was for an opportunity to induce Nollywood stars especially those from the Igbo speaking states to help the government preach ‘’one niGERia’’.

The government believes that since these stars are very popular amongst the people young that are currently agitating for Biafra that it will be easy for them to persuade many of the  Biafrans agitators to abandon the struggle and settle for ‘’one niGERia’’ if they discover that their role models are still ‘’one niGERia’’ believers.

This is why Kenneth Okeke was drafted for the experiment. The government team had planned to use Nkem Owoh (Osuofia) for the experiment because of his funny nature. However, they were reminded that it is a ‘’no go area’’ as the great Owoh’s family are yet to forgive the president for ordering the death of their son and brother, Bartholomew Owoh over frivolous drug smuggling accusation that he and others were deny the right to challenge in court by the Buhari’s government when Buhari reigned as a military dictator in the 1980s.

The government equally contemplated approaching John Okafor (Mr. Ibu) for the experiment until they were reminded that the comedian hardly keeps secrets and also seems to be anti the government in based on his recent social media postings.

  The source claimed that it was NOT very difficulty convincing Barr. Kenneth Okonkwo to agree to the ‘’deal’’ as the offer of a Senior Special Adviser to the Government that he was promised is what he has being looking forward to.

‘’Kenneth Okonkwo has always looked forward to getting a government appointment that he can use as a spring board to launch his political career especially considering the fact that it is believed in many quarters that he ‘’lost’’ his first political contest  due to the fact that he has no political experience. Yes! That was accusation by his critics. This is why he grabbed the opportunity without thinking of the consequences of his actions’’ said the source.

The source said that it was in a bid to make ‘’his masters’’ happy that made him (Kenneth Okonkwo) to make a facebook post to claim that he proudly believes in ‘’one niGERia’’ even when nobody asked him. But unfortunately for him, his ‘’pay master’’ were not willing to promote his denial of Biafra mantra any more as they discovered that he is a bad ‘’Bad Market’’ who can’t make much impact on the young Biafra agitators especially since many were already asking important questions based on the Barrister’s Marital Status like:-

‘’Since Kenneth Okonkwo knows that niGERia is not working and still believes in its unity, why didn’t he also believe in his marriage union when it wasn’t working?
Why did he opt for separation from his ex wife and finally divorce when the marriage wasn’t working especially since they got married in a church that preaches no divorce no second wife?
What moral justification does someone who willing entered into a marriage union and later opted out when it wasn’t working have to want to advise Biafrans who were not consulted before being forced into the ‘’one niGERia union’’ to remain in it when its obviously not working and hasn’t worked before?’’ recounted our source.

The source is of the view, that Kenneth Okonkwo is currently regretting his actions as it obvious that he lost it both ways (Lost it with his masters and the Biafra agitators) and thus now considering possibility of  denying this facebook post that he made where he proudly proclaimed himself as a ‘’one niGERian believer’’ as either that his account was hacked or quoted out of context.

For the records, Kenneth Okonkwo was previously married to Ogechi Ezekiel the daughter of the founders and General Overseers of Christian Pentecostal Mission Int’l (CPM), Dr. O. Ekekiel & Dr. (Mrs) M. Ezekiel, in 2000.

The well celebrated marriage however in a surprised move that shook the Movie Industry and Christendom collapsed barely 2 years later in 2002. Making it one of the shortest lasting marriage by a daughter of a Nigerian Church General Overseer.

The unfortunate is that the union that ended in a bitter divorce was actually consummated in the CPM where No Divorce No Second Wife is one of the important church’s tenth.

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