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Enugu: 2 Dead, 19 Missing, Several wounded as masked Fulani attack.

Anxiety and confusion has enveloped Abbi Community in Uzo-Uwani Local Government Area, Enugu State, following the invasion of the area by Fulani herdsmen who unleashed mayhem on the people, killing a brother and sister apart from razing down about seven houses and several motorcycles.

Altogether, 19 persons were declared missing in the community while several others were left wounded with machetes by the invaders. It was gathered that the Fulani herdsmen numbering over 30 emerged from the bush, and began to attack the people in the community last Thursday, killing their victims and maiming others with machetes before fleeing into the bush unharmed. The two relations who were killed were identified as Fidelis Okeja, 45, and his sister Mercy, 50. Fidelis and Mercy were sitting outside their compound around 6.30pm discussing when suddenly; about 30 masked Fulani herdsmen emerged from nowhere and them instantly. They later went ahead and attacked other members of the community with machetes, burnt some houses before retreating into the bush. Investigations revealed that sporadic shooting by the suspected Fulani herdsmen sent shivers into the inhabitants of other parts of the community who scampered for safety amid confusion. source

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