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Nigerian Military warns media "not to undermine Governments modest efforts"

The Nigerian Army yesterday warned Nigerians against peddling rumours that could jeopardise the nation’s security. The Acting Director Defence Information, Brig-Gen. Rabe Abubakar, gave the warning in a statement in Abuja.

He said the attention of Defence Headquarters (DHQ) had been drawn to a news story alleging that ransom was paid in exchange for 21 of the abducted Chibok girls released recently.
He said: “This unsubstantiated story, to say the least, is quite unfortunate. It is important to recall here that several statements have been issued by the military high command to clarify the issue surrounding the release of the girls, which the whole world applauded.

“It is therefore worrisome that some sections of the media continue to undermine this modest effort of the government, security agencies and other stakeholders. It is imperative to state categorically that the sponsors of this media campaign have a hidden agenda, which is best known to them.”

“The military and other security agencies will not be distracted and would remain focused in achieving their objectives in the North East. The important thing is that the release has been made and circumstances surrounding this effort should not be a matter of controversy, so as not to overheat the polity and jeopardize ongoing efforts to secure release of the remaining girls and other innocent citizens still in captivity of the terrorists,” the statement reads.
In a related development, the Arewa Youth Leaders Forum has urged the military to ignore false media reports by persons it described as detractors and unpatriotic elements.
It also cautioned the Nigerian media against allowing itself to be used as agent of distraction in the war against insurgency. Addressing journalists in Kaduna yesterday, the national president of the group, Abubakar Abubakar, said: “Those that are out to destroy Nigeria are diversifying their strategies. Their seeds of discord must not be allowed to germinate and neither should they be allowed to take root.”
Meanwhile, the family of late Lt. Colonel Mohammed Abu Ali, who was killed by insurgents, recently, has called on the Federal Government to intensify effort at ending the war so that soldiers could reunite with their families. The family made this known while receiving a delegation of the Nigeria Fallen Heroes Project 2017 in Kaduna.

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