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Nnamdi Kanu smarter than Nigeria came to Court in BIAFRA flag.

The Leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, who has been known for its outstanding intelligence, in last Court section at the Federal High Court Abuja, outsmarts the Nigerian Government by wearing clothes made up of Biafra colors, including his two brothers.
Kanu who appeared at the Court last Tuesday, 8th November, was spotted wearing a native attire made up of black and yellow. Having a yellow design by the side similar to that of sun raise on Biafran Flag, which both colors among Biafra colors. Also his Two brothers who seated by his sides appears in two other Biafran colors respectively, involving Red and Green.

In Kanu’s intelligence, looking at the formation of their sitting and dressing, you don’t need one to tell you that this is Biafran Flag live at the Federal High Court Abuja. 

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