IPOB: Operation Python Dance 2; the invasion of Kanu’s home, and barbaric massacre of Biafran youths – a collective insult on Ndigbo by C. K. Ekeke
Another dark history looms upon Igbos in Nigeria. For almost a week today, the world has watched the horrifying images of Nigerian Military forces drawn from the Army, Police, SARS, Mopol, DSS, Boko haram, Fulani herdsmen, and other Sharia Islamic terrorists which invaded the Southeast region in the pretense of the so-called “Operation Python Dance II” also know as “Exercise Egwu Eke II” designed to torture, maim and massacre the leader of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Nnamdi Kanu, and his teeming unarmed Biafran Youths.
This is the second genocide of Ndigbo currently going in the Southeast region all over again. Already the call of pogrom of Igbos by the Arewa Youths during their Kaduna House Declaration last June, which is fully backed by their elders and leaders has also started in the North. As I write, Igbos are running and returning to the South.
The justification for Operation Python Dance II, which is illegal and unconstitutional, was that last year’s “Operation Python Dance 1,” was effective in curbing kidnapping, arm-robbery, and other crimes in the Southeast region which is usually high during the Christmas season. But, this particular operation is designed to massacre IPOB leader – Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and his followers as well as to protect Hausa-Fulani in the Southeast in the event that pogrom of Igbos begins in the North come October 1, 2017. This is second genocide and wiping out of Biafrans and Christians in Nigeria – especially in the former Eastern region.
The fact is that “Operation Python Dance 1” was carried out during the Christmas season – unlike this second operation that began in September when the issue of Biafra agitation and call for referendum are tensed up. The leader of Indigenous People of Biafra, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and the entire IPOB leadership have said that if a date for referendum is not given to them by Federal government to decide future of Biafra people whom are being strangulated and decimated in Nigeria, there will be no further elections in Biafra land (Southeast/South-south) starting with Anambra State governorship election on November 18th, 2017.
So, there is palpable tension especially after President Mohammadu Buhari returned from his medical leave from Britain where he spent over one hundred days, gave a broadcast message to Nigerians in which he heaped insults on Nigerians, then issued an ultimatum threatening to crush agitations and those seeking for secession and self-determination.
However, President Buhari supports self-determination for Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) seeking self-determination from Morocco and also fully supports two-State solution between Israel and Palatines but will kill unarmed and peaceful pro Biafra youths seeking self-determination from Nigeria. What a hypocritical posture!
Despite President Buhari’s threat and insults to Ndigbo, the president did not adequately address the Kaduna declaration by Arewa Youths last June calling Igbos to vacate the North within three months. Within weeks after that declaration, a song was made by a Fulani singer calling for the massacre of Igbos in the North. In addition to all these treasonable offences, Boko haram and Fulani herdsmen continue to massacre harmless Nigerians and Christians all over Nigeria.
In Benue, most of the communities and village farms are now occupied by Fulani herdsmen. Boko haram proudly controls their conquered territories in Borno and Yobe States.
Yet despite these glaring acts of atrocities and barbaric massacre of citizens by the world’s third (Boko haram) and fourth (Fulani herdsmen) largest terrorist organizations all resident and operating from the North, President Buhari in cohort with the selfish and coward Igbo elders, governors and their representatives agreed to unleash the military upon the unarmed and peaceful Biafran youths in Southeast – especially in the Umuahia with major operation near the home of IPOB leader, Nnamdi Kanu in Afara Ukwu in Umuahia and Aba – the epicenter of Biafra agitation activities. All this was designed to massacre Kanu after several calls were made by some Nigerian rulers and politicians to assassinate him including ex-resident President Olusegun Obasanjo. What a world we live in!
Additionally the Federal Government filed a court order asking the court to revoke Kanu’s bail – because according to the FG, he has violated his bail – even though no human-being in this planet can keep such bail conditions.
No matter how you reason and dissect the invasion of Kanu’s family home and brutal massacre of unarmed Biafran youths in his father’s palace, and in Aba, Obigbo near Port Harcourt, and across the entire southeast, this was a cowardly, barbaric and shameful show of force.
The Nigerian military should go and crush Boko haram and Fulani herdsmen that are having a field day in the Northern part of Nigeria and across some Southern states. It’s really a shame that Nigeria has descended so low and hastily degenerating under President Mohammadu Buhari.
I have listened to number of arguments for and against Operation Python Dance 2 by lawyers, constitutional scholars and other Nigerians; no matter how legal or illegal it may be, invasion of Kanu’s family home and barbaric massacre of unarmed youths is cowardly. It is a show of shame, of illegality, and unconstitutional.
The Army Chief – Gen. Tukur Burutai and his men must surely pay for this crime against humanity. They will never go free after committing such heinous act upon peaceful and unarmed youths seeking for freedom from a country that has marginalized them and their parents for too long. This is definitely a crime against humanity. But more than that, it’s a crime against God. Heaven will surely vindicate for them.
This does not mean that I support Nnamdi Kanu and IPOB activities; however, IPOB does not appear to be a militant and or a terrorist organization as alleged by the Nigerian Army. They do not bear arms like Boko haram and Fulani herdsmen in the North. IPOB organization is huge and worldwide and off course, there may be some people that may go contrary to the organization’s rule of engagement. But for most part, IPOB under the leadership of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has been relatively peaceful.
But more than that, IPOB is fighting a just cause. IPOB is a peaceful organization rightly seeking the freedom of the Biafra people through a global recognized method of Self-determination of which Nigeria is signatory to. Self-determination is an international law which was enacted in 2007 and duly signed by all the nations of the world. Self-determination is United Nations international law granting rights of the indigenous people for self-determination.
According to U.N. charter, “Self-determination is the principle and practice whereby a nation, for example, an ethnic nation is in control of its own people, its own land, its own resources, and its own governance, independent of any other subtending political structure.”
Mr. Kanu is correctly and courageously seeking the freedom of his people - Biafra people and land that have been in bondage and captivity in Nigeria since its forced amalgamation with rest of ethnicities that make-up Nigeria today. Some people may not like the strategy of IPOB and its leadership, but I applaud them for the audacity to fight for freedom for Biafra people. The truth is Igbos and Biafra people are systemically marginalized in Nigeria – especially since after the Nigeria – Biafra civil war that ended in 1970.
Since after that war, all the infrastructure in Igboland have been closed or destroyed. There is no federal presence in Igbo land – no good roads, no international airport, no seaport, no electricity, nothing. Their businesses are being strangulated. Every Igbo person cannot to run to live in the North, Southwest or overseas. It is an orchestrated plan and satanic strategy designed to run all of us out of Igboland to the North, Southwest and abroad leaving behind the ones they call market traders, drivers, and miscreants.
Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and IPOB are fighting a just care and God will vindicate for them. Buhari, Burutai, SE leaders, Nigerians, etc. - you cannot kill the truth. All of you combined will never be able to crush the desire of 40 to 70 million members and followers of IPOB – in fact Biafrans. You’ll be worse than Hitler if you succeed in doing that. However, we must also recognize that the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has the right to self-determination and self-defense, as is enshrined in the United Nation Charter of 2007.
The quit notice handed down to Igbos and indeed to all Southerners living in the North by the Arewa Youths backed by their elders is even worse that what Nnamdi Kanu and IPOB is doing. IPOB is seeking for self-determination which is a UN law, while the Arewa Youths is threatening Igbos to abandon their work, businesses, properties, and monetary assets and vacate the North. The quit notice is treasonable and must be punished.
Rather than arrest and punish Arewa Youths, hate singers, Fulani herdsmen, Boko haram, etc., the president in collaboration with coward and selfish Igbo leaders unleashed the military forces upon young and harmless Biafrans. Truth does not die. Even if you kill Nnamdi Kanu today, the truth he planted will never die. Jesus Christ was killed by Romans, yet his message grew and the church emerged even stringer. Martin Luther King, Jr. was killed, and then Blacks were freed. Fifty years later, A Black man – Barack Obama, a son of Africa became the president of the most powerful country in the world – the United States of America. You can kill the man behind the truth but you can never kill truth itself. Nigerian leaders are wasting their time with their satanic agenda to crush IPOB and massacre young people fighting for their freedom.
I do not want to only blame President Buhari, Army Chief Burutai and foolish military for massacring harmless Biafran youths, the Southeast governors, senators, representatives and Ohanaeze are complicit as well. Off course, they are sellouts, saboteurs and efulefus that have betrayed their sons and daughters for money. Judas Iscariot did that. Throughout history, we know cowards and selfish people do that. But in the end, they will fail and, suicides and hellfire will wait them. Jesus forgave Peter for denying him initially but He did not forgive Judas for betraying him.
It is no longer news that we do not have leaders in Igbo land. The only one that God gave them now, they want to kill him. I weep for Ndigbo. Ndigbo have such a stinking legacy of leadership – going back ages, they betrayed the Igbo hero – the late Chief Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu that caused Biafra defeat. The mess they are in Nigeria today is primarily caused by Igbos. Our problem is not Hausa-Fulani, or Yoruba, of even evil Britain but Igbos. Igbos are their own worst enemy. Igbos are screwed and doomed in Nigeria. This is a stinking history we are having in Nigeria. I don’t know who will deliver us from this dark history. Even the Jews had to unite to liberate themselves from global hate and today dominate the world in almost everything. Despite the hate from all quarters, they managed to gain the favor of America. The United States of America will go to war with anyone who messes with Israel.
Ndigbo will need the divine hand of God to save them from Nigeria and restore again their pride and dignity among the comity of nations. But it cannot happen if we continue to deny ourselves and betray each other. We are destroying ourselves and who we are as a people. We are Biafrans – children of the Most High God. We are not Nigerians. We simply have Nigerian citizenship for now.
I have been reading some statements and watching videos of some clergymen – especially the notorious and barely educated Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka, who said that Biafra agitation is nonsense and childish because it is led by illiterates and young people without reputable Igbo politicians including himself. And I have watched some of his sermons and preaching and I pity the gullible followers that are flocking to his adoration ministry. Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka himself is biblically illiterate and a fraudster. He’s not called by God and does not have any anointing whatever. He’s of the devil.
It is a heart-wrenching feeling also to read from some so-called Igbo intellectuals who do not believe or know that that Igbos being enslaved and Islamized in Nigeria. They do not see any problem in Nigeria. How myopic and foolish they are!
And some of the selfish ones even insult the leader of IPOB – Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and his strategy to liberate Biafran people from bondage, slavery and coming islamization which Buhari and Hausa-Fulani and Yoruba co-conspirators are gradually carrying out before our very eyes.
Yet these so-called intellectuals, leaders and selfish Igbos do not have the courage to speak against the glaring atrocities and impunity being perpetrated against their own people by Buhari, Arewa Youths, Arewa Elders, and Fulani herdsmen. What a curse!
The truth of the matter is that the former eastern region is under bondage. We must be liberated and freed from the curse of our bondage. We all must unite and fight for our freedom.
The American slave warrior, Harriet Truman, once said: "I freed a thousand slaves; I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."
Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, one of the leading Jewish theologians and philosophers of the 20th century once said, “indifference to evil is more insidious than evil itself.”
The invasion of Kanu’s home and the brutal and barbaric massacre of unarmed Biafran youths is a collective insult on Ndigbo and Biafran people in general.
Nigeria is hastily degenerating as a society. Nigeria is in full blown dictatorship and fascism after 16 years of democracy. Buhari and his Fulani brethren are taking Nigeria back to the days of military dictatorship and decree. Peaceful Biafra youths rightly seeking for self-determination and freedom from a system that is destroying their talents potentials and destinies are being massacred and our politicians, elders, and even religious leaders are so afraid to speak out and condemn these heinous atrocities.
It’s undeniable fact that Nigeria is in a full-blown dictatorship and fascism. Nigeria has degenerated as a nation under Buhari. Nigeria is essentially now a terrorist State, in full blown dictatorship and hastily degenerating as a nation.
Since Buhari came into office in May 2015 as civilian president (which was a terrible mistake), Nigerians have not seen any genuine change or peace but suffering, suicides, torture, arrests, violence, threats, killings, massacres and deaths.
Who will forget the brutal massacres of unarmed Biafran youths are who are rightly seeking freedom from a nation that has denied them their life and destiny. Biafran youths, who are rightly are seeking self-determination and freedom from a system that is destroying their talents, potentials and destinies are being massacred and our politicians, elders, and even religious leaders entrusted for their protection do not car.
• The continued unlawful detention of Indigenous People of Biafra leaders and continued threat to re-arrest and massacre IPOB leader, Nnamdi Kanu.
• The brutal massacre of Shiite Muslims and continued unlawful detention of the leader of Nigerian Islamic Movement, Alhaji Zakyzaky and his wife.
• The genocide of the people of Southern Kaduna Christians orchestrated by Kaduna State governor, El Rufia,
• The destruction of farm lands, raping of girls, women and massacre of unarmed villagers by Fulani herdsmen.
• The continued unlawful detention of Retired Col. Sambo Dasuki, threat and torture of other political opponents,
• The granting of freedom to Boko haram jihadists, recruiting them into the Nigerian military and unleashing to carry mayhem in SE and SS regions.
• The continued harassment, torture and shooting of harmless citizens without cause – latest being the invasion of the family compound of the leader of IPOB, Nnamdi Kanu.
• And other atrocities.
Igboland and a people that Buhari hates so much for the 1966 coup killings of their leaders and in fact the entire Biafra land is under siege. Ex-military dictator and Fulani jihadist told us that he will crush us if we decide to divide or leave Nigeria. He said he’ll defend the unity of Nigeria with his life and that Nigeria’s unity is settled and non-negotiable. Therefore, we are forced to live as slaves in Nigeria because Nigeria is regarded as the estate of Hausa-Fulani.
That has always been the situation of things since the brutal defeat of Biafra during the 3-year civil war.
Now that a whole new generation of Biafrans have risen to declare no more to the glaring marginalization, bondage, and slavery in a land flowing with milk and honey – Buhari and Fulani jihadists have unleashed mayhem upon the people and land. Even though most of this new generation of Biafrans are seen as jobless youths, market traders, and keke drivers – nevertheless, many of them are degree holders. Ex-President Obasanjo even called them miscreants. Today, they are determined to take back their land, life, and destiny.
One of the beauties of democracy is the ability to dialogue. But Buhari is not a true democratic and does not understand dialogue. And so the only option and solution known to him is to unleash the army to crush IPOB and Biafran people with his military weapons and tanks he has been accumulating since he came into office a little over two years ago.
We know Buhari does not care about Igbo people. Igbo people are slaves in Nigeria. In fact, all Igbos deserve to be decimated from the face of this earth for killing Fulani leaders during the 1966 coup termed Igbo coup – even though that’s not factual.
Even when more than 200 Igbo generals were massacred and over 3 million Igbos mostly children perished in that war, Buhari is still not satisfied and has not find in his heart to forgive. What a sadist he is.
They say history does not repeat itself but man repeats history. The Jews faced the same extermination threat and that continues until today. But they survived and today live in their own land. Today, despite continued threats, they continue to thrive as a first-class democracy and tech-economy in the world despite the fact they do not have any natural resources. Like the Jews, Igbos and Biafran people will be liberated and will someday live in their land – a land flowing with milk and honey – a land of the Rising Sun.
But for now, this is a time that demand the unity of all Biafran people to say no against this satanic plan to silence Igbos in Nigeria. We must protest against coming genocide. We all must protest against a situation in which we are excluded from all political and economic power and degraded as human beings in Nigeria.
In this moment of dictatorship, fascism and genocide against our people, we must unite to fight against evil and wickedness being meted upon the people of Biafra and our land.
It’s time to define who we really are as people and what kind of nation we want to have. God did not make a mistake to create us and called us to be Christians. We cannot be forced to become Muslims. God and Allah are not the same. It’s time to rededicate ourselves to defend our freedoms and rights as human beings created by God. Freedom is the most precious gift of life from God. The civilized societies understand that and cherish it more than anything--silver, gold, money and even life itself.
It’s time for men and women of moral character, integrity, honesty, decency and courage to stand up now and speak truth to power in order to free our land and people from the marauding Fulani herdsmen, jihadist Boko haram army and coming islamization and genocide.
For those that continue to shout and say that Nigeria’s unity is non-negotiable, again, I say to you, look at Southeast and what’s happening to the people – where youngsters that are supposed to be trained, educated and unleashed for greatness are being massacred; where Biafran youths are forced to drink mud water. Is that one Nigeria for you? You must be living in fool’s paradise. I weep for Nigeria as well. You are a cursed nation and coward people!
Since amalgamation, the Islamic North and Southwest have consistently been killing Biafrans from SE/SS region, who are mostly Christians. Since 1960’s there has been pogrom and genocidal missions to exterminate Biafrans from Nigeria and turn it into an Islamic country.
While other nations are equipping and empowering their young people and unleashing them for greatness, Nigeria is massacring their own children and young people.
In fact, such statement that Nigeria unity is non-negotiable is not only cowardly but hateful and highly offensive. In fact, it’s morally reprehensible and insane for the President or anyone to say that Nigeria’s unity is settled and non-negotiable...
The truth is tnat Nigeria is not working and most citizens are cowards and corrupt to speak up. Nigeria is a decadent, corrupt, lawless and failed state. Nigeria’s amalgamation has expired and needs to be re-negotiated now. Nigeria is rotten and the only viable solution is to return Nigeria to its original state before amalgamation or peacefully divide her into 3, 4 or 5 nations. If not, Nigeria is headed to a violent disintegration. The nation cannot continue in the current stupidity and foolishness. Anything else is a continued status of a fraudulent, failed and fantastically corrupt country.
Finally, I call on the United Nations, United States of America, United Kingdom, International Community and Global powers to divide Nigeria now before Biafrans and Christians are decimated in Nigeria. The impeding civil war will be catastrophic and will not only affect Africa and cause one of the highest refugee menace of our time, but will negatively impact the whole world and global economy.
In conclusion, it is courageous for the Biafran youths to demand freedom from a corrosive, corrupt, cultic political culture of a failed State in order to restore their God-given Republic of Biafra despite being hunted down and massacred like animals by the Nigerian military.
May their souls rest in eternal peace and their bereaved families and all of us who mourn them be consoled by the strength and care of the Almighty God! Amen.
Rev. Dr. C. K. Ekeke, is a theologian, author, consultant and lecturer. He is the President of Leadership Wisdom Institute.
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