When the British came in contact with Biafra many
centuries ago, they observed the exceptionality in Biafra, both in terms of the
richness of the land and the ingenuity and industry of the inhabitants. Then,
they (the British) lifted up their eyes in covetousness and fear of Biafra and
It was with this mindset that they went about everything
they did with, through, for, and against Biafrans. Incidentally and
unfortunately, the British discovery of crude petroleum in Biafra did not
abate, rather, it aggravated and heightened the British apprehension and fear
for Biafra.
Because of this British fear for Biafra, they began to
scheme on how to eliminate whatever would give them room to fear Biafra. This
was one of the major reasons behind the creation of the British inhumanity
called Nigeria. Britain had figured that if they could fuse the vast landed
Northern Nigeria with the land disadvantaged but very populous Eastern Nigeria,
and present the north as being larger, and must be in charge of government,
they could go to sleep with both eyes closed, and the business of mindless
economic rape and exploitation could go on as usual.
But after the so-called Amalgamation, they found out that
the resourcefulness and industry of the Biafrans could not make them
susceptible to being easily caged. That was when they began to see that it was
"apparent that these itinerant Igbos must be given the Australian
By this, the British meant the genocide they visited upon
the aboriginal Australians, who they almost completely wiped out in a genocide
that turned Australia into a country of pink men, as against the original dark-skinned
indigenous men. And Britain experimented this genocidal scheme against
Biafrans, first in 1945, and later confirmed its workability in 1953, using the
Hausa Fulani barbarians and savages.
Having confirmed the workability of their genocidal
scheme against Biafrans, the British now began to finalize their grand genocide
agenda against Biafra. This they clicked when they found ignorant fellows in
the Nigeria army whom they beguiled into believing that they were carrying out
a revolution.
No need to belabour this point, but recall that the
aftermath of the so-called coup (which was to be a revolution) was a British
instigated pogrom (genocide) against the Biafrans, which led to the brutal
massacre of more than 100,000 (one hundred thousand Biafrans within three
months. While all this massacre of Biafrans was going on, the devil's
mouthpiece of the satanic Britain, the BBC, was busy inciting other Nigerians
against the Biafrans, and at the same time, telling the world about Biafra
(Igbo) dissidence.
Anyway, when the Biafrans could no longer contain being
slaughtered in Nigeria, they withdrew to their indigenous enclave, declaring
the Biafra Republic as a basis for resisting the brutal and ruthless massacre
being orchestrated against them, in which Britain demonstrated extreme
ruthlessness, fury, and brutality, confirming the fact that the evil Britain
had sought this opportunity all along.
At this point, because of the Biafran wealth (OIL AND
GAS) which Britain had had its eye upon, and with a determination to carry out
the long-schemed onslaught against Biafra to acquire and confiscate their
wealth on a permanent basis, Britain began to deploy all of its resources to
the Biafra genocide, with a view to ensuring that no single human being would
be left to answer the name Biafra again.
Britain therefore began to purchase very heavy weaponry
which it deployed to Biafra in many guises, including hiring the Egyptian
merciless mercenary pilots who bombed schools, churches, markets, hospitals,
residences, and worst of all, refugee camps. The expected outcome was a total
extermination and annihilation of Biafra.
But while all this brutal and ruthless massacre of
Biafrans was taking place, with Britain in the forefront of the exterminative
genocidal war, the murderous, parasitic, and predatory Britain, through its
devil's mouthpiece, the ‘lair-ological’ mischief inventor, the outfit that has
been telling lies and distorting the News since 1922, the criminal BBC, went
about telling the world that it was a small part of the country that was
wanting to break away, and the rest of the country was wanting to compel them back
into the country, and so "the minor skirmishes could best be described as
a Civil War".
With this, the evil Britain led the world into believing
that the Biafra genocide, in which Britain blockaded Biafra on the land, sea,
and air, in which over 6m (six million) Biafrans were murdered by Britain,
(with more than two million children dying of starvation), using Nigeria as a
cover, was a civil war.
Let it not be forgotten that the primary aim of the
satanic Britain in carrying out this genocide against Biafra was to completely
take over the land of Biafra, with its enormous richness, on a permanent basis.
This they partially succeeded in doing because since 1970 that that phase of
the genocide was SUSPENDED, the Biafra wealth (OIL AND GAS) has been under British
confiscation, of which the contribution thereof to Britain's economy cannot be
But any person that looks at Britain closely can confirm
that nemesis has caught up with the evil Britain for all its atrocities against
the world in general, and against Biafra in particular.
Meanwhile Biafrans are on the verge of holding the first
phase of their referendum that will usher in the independent nation of Biafra,
which aside transmitting the long-desired freedom to Biafra, will drive the final
nail into the coffin of Britain, as that would mark the cutting off of the
fraudulent OIL AND GAS lifeline which has sustained the parasitic Britain since
Let it also not be overlooked, that because of the
cunning manipulative cunningness of Britain, which is mostly hinged on the fear
of accounting for its many crimes against humanity, the world has refused to
designate the British genocide against Biafrans as GENOCIDE.
Rather, the world is still dancing in the drumbeat of the
satanic Britain which has mischievously been calling the BIAFRAN GENOCIDE a
Civil War.
Because of the accumulated, exploitative, exterminative,
and abominable wickedness of Britain, the satanic Britain remains irreversibly
and irrevocably cursed.
The world will CERTAINLY WITNESS the doom that will
befall the murderous Britain.
God bless Ikemba Nnewi, Odumegwu Ojukwu.
God bless Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.
God bless Biafra and Biafrans.
Come quickly Oh Biafra!
Written by:
Okwunna Okongwu
(TBRV Writer)
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV
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