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The Local and International Conspiracy against Biafra is borne out of Jealousy and Envy for African Development. From the ancient Biafra to the modern Biafra, the world had always had fear and respect for Biafrans. The world knows how blessed we are as a people and they envy us. They know we are blessed in many ramifications and that is why they are happy to see us cry. It is envy at work.
Even when our mothers are humiliated by the Nigeria Government Agents, they do not blink an eye that it is a desecration and a brutality of womanhood, the highest crime in developed and civilized nations. Even them kept silence.

We suffer the worst of oil spill in Bodo of Ogoni and the world is still quiet. They committed highest genocide against us for three running years 1967-1970. All the actors are walking free in the world. Nobody has been brought to book. When a pinch of what happens in Biafra, happens elsewhere, you see the entire global cameras and international media cameras blinking. My question is “Are Biafrans, not humans?”. Where are the human right lawyers in Nigeria, The Lawyers from the Chambers of Gani Fawehinmi, Pastor Barr Tunde Bakare, Barr. Femi Falana and our own Barr. Festus Keyamo. What about the many human rights organization and even the United Nation herself and affiliate bodies.

Biafra is the hope of Africa, in less than 2 decades, only two Biafran graduates Hon. T. N. Paul Birabi and Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe championed a movement that ended abruptly the stay of the British Colonialism in Africa. Their Fathers before then resisted British entry for 46 years in many part of Biafra especially Ogoniland. Even the indirect rule they adopted was not allowed to penetrate the traditional rulership of the Biafra land. This same stock of women they incarcerated without a blink of the world bodies pulled down that warrant chief structure in few days. Ask the British if they actually colonized Biafra and they will tell you, we wasted our time, lives and resources there. They met a superior power here, hence they cannot pity you. They notice that and wrote that we are physically strong, cerebrally intelligent and focused to achieve anything we set our mind to achieve. They know that we detest evil and do not condone criminality and so in a bit to reduce our moral potency, they introduced lots of crime including cultism, armed robbery and murder amongst our men.  They told the Parliament that if they do not replace our moral, traditional and religious values they will not be able to colonize us. Hence they focused and sponsored missions’ gospel and business as the entry strategy when military failed them for almost 50 years.

They know that the sovereignty of Biafra, we ask for today is for the development of Africa and they do not want Africa developed. Africa is a more blessed Continent than many of the continents of the world but the conspiracy has kept us underdeveloped. We must rise up and know that we are envied because of what we have and who we are.

Our Supreme Leader, Nnamdi Kanu toured the world, looking for people that will speak for us but he was told to speak for himself. Ken Saro Wiwa did the same thing and was asked to speak for himself. Ojukwu, Kwame Nkrumah, etc. all had the same experience. Please do not wait for anyone, arise and speak for yourself because, nobody will. No other person but Biafrans will speak for Biafra. The Northerners, Westerners and parts of Middle Belt in Nigeria have conspired locally against Biafra that is why they are silent today and have encouraged the world over to be silent in the face of clear genocide against Biafrans. They have instructed their sons and daughters who has local and international voices to be quiet or lose their citizenships in their Arewa, Oduduwa lands. In Europe and America, there is sustained conspiracy, we have witnessed their hostility and withstood it from 16th century till date. I still appreciate the few amongst them who are in-laws who just as white or black lend some few support voice just to have a night sleep.

Technologically Biafrans were in the forefront of Technology from the Egypt Civilization to the world war I and II. In the Colonial days we demonstrated to all who care to remember that we do not buy technology, we rather sell it. During the Biafran War, we indigenously produced all that we needed to win the war including Ogbunigwe (explosive guns and bombs with a nuclear capacity in different size and shapes) invented by the foremost African Chemist with a PhD, who studied in both Russia and Germany; Dr. Garrick B. Leton, a great Ogoni and Biafran Leader. He later became the Pioneer Vice Chancellor of Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Pioneer Managing Director of NAFCON and 2nd President of MOSOP. This is another point of envy. Our Jewish stock is well known and we are terrorized by the world, the same way the Israelites are attacked on every side. We are leading in the Computer, networking, internet and storage technology discoveries with Philips Emeagwali and other Biafran inventors, programmers, Engineers and technologist winning global first prizes including women. Remember, our inventions are global economic drivers because we are solution providers and builders. Bath Nnaji and many other Biafrans holds the key to 24 hour lights in many nations of the world including the United States of America. Though they (the common enemies) will not let them implement it in Biafra. They remain the best.

In modern times, Biafrans have not only proven that they are the richest and wealthiest where ever they find themselves. They have also proven that they are the best custodian of wealth all over the world. Thanks to the outstanding performance of the following; Prof. Ngozi Okonjo Iweala, Prof Charles Soludo, Prof. Oby Ezekwesili, Prof Ndi Okereke, Dr Patricia Eteh, Dr. Peter Obi, Dr. Tony Elumelu, Dr. Jim Ovia etc. It does not matter what SEC is saying today, we have many Biafran who are very wealthy than many states in Nigeria from Biafra Land. In Fact, you need to be informed that many African nations are developed by Biafrans to the state of developing nations that they are today. This is another reason why they will not blink at your cry.

Naturally, Biafra is blessed with the most expensive and most useful of mineral deposit and the world cannot do anything about it but to envy us. Our type of Crude oil, bonny light and brent is what drives the machines that produces the goods of the world. We have gold, diamond, silver, clay, coal, silicon, tin ore, barite, name it and the best of vegetation, land, water and air for agriculture which British agent Shell is fast polluting to impoverish Biafrans today. This is coupled with the fact that we are the true majority by population in Royal Niger Company a.k.a Nigeria, forget the British lies in Census figures. We are over 80million spread all over the globe. Not including the Black Americans who are mostly Biafrans. How then can they pity you.

I call on the good spirited few who has the fear of God to support Biafra Freedom and be blessed by God Almighty - Our Source of Help and Supply. For whoever holds down Biafra Restoration is holding down himself. You can ask Britain, How far?

Since, you now know why the world will not blink at the cry and gory pictures of human rights abuses in Biafra land, concentrate on developing; yourself, your family, your province and very soon the restored sovereign state of Biafra and let the envy continue.

Biafrans! We can together restore Biafra!
All hail Biafra!!!


Written by:
Legborsi Emmanuel
(TBRV Writer)
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice -TBRV

Edited by: 
Precious Diala
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

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