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The new nation called Nigeria shall be an estate of our great grandfather Uthman Dan Fodio. We must ruthlessly prevent a change of power. We will use the minorities in the north as willing tools and the south as a conquered territory and never allow them to have control over their future.

This was the statement of Ahmadu Bello on October 12, 1960 barely 11 days after Nigeria got their independence. Obviously, this statement represents the general position of the whole Hausa Fulani race. Going by the both political and traditional positions of Ahmadu Bello at the time one does not need further explanation to understand that the above statement represents the general position of the caliphate in Nigeria today.

Since 1960 till date the Fulani's have been doing what they know best (killings) to keep this statement afloat. 1967-1970 has gone down in history as the first time  minorities in the north and useful slaves from the south were used as willing tools against Biafrans in three years’ war of aggression, ethnic cleansing, and genocide by the north in other to prevent a change of power and since then this monsters called Fulani has brazenly refused to allow Biafrans to have control over their future, even as the land of Biafra is illegally seized presently by the occupational army of Nigeria, populated by Fulani Muslims for the accomplishment of Uthman Dan Fodio's dream.

Unfortunately, some Biafrans are ignorantly warming up to celebrate the fraud called independence on October first. As a matter of fact, any Biafran who observe October first as an Independence Day is either ignorant, a saboteur or a willing slave. Left with me October first should be declared a day of mourning for Africans and black race in general.

This was the day African destiny was stolen by the evil Britain. It was the day colonialism was reformed into neocolonialism just the same way slave trade was reformed into colonialism in the late 18th century. And when it became obvious that the predatory, exploitative, sadistic and lazy Britain can no longer be allowed to continue their exploitation through colonization they tactically adopted neocolonialism in form of independence using Hausa/ Fulani as stooge to continue their exploitation of Biafra land. 

So, it has become not only necessary but reasonable to shun the nonsense called independence celebration on October first which is few days away from today.

The question we have to ask ourselves are:-

·        What has Nigeria as an independent country been able to accomplish since the so-called independence if not killings of her citizens?

·        Do you have a job? No. There are no jobs for the teeming populace.

·        Do you have electricity? No. There is no electricity,

·        No good roads

·        Educational system is dead.

·        Health care is dead, as no single hospital is working in Nigeria presently.

·        The economy is completely dead, all the political leaders are bandits and rogues; just mention one single thing that worth to be celebrated on October first if not the inconclusiveness of Osun gubernatorial election?

Last time I checked the technological prowess of Nigeria, the results shows that Nigeria will start manufacturing pencil by 2025 while Singapore which got their independence in 1965 is presently competing with China and Japan in technology and stable economy. Obviously, there is nothing, absolutely nothing to be celebrated about Nigeria. So, people should go about their businesses on October first as the independence celebration will not add any value to their lives rather will make them even loose income.

As we are waiting for the official date of our referendum to be announced, be informed that may 30th still remains Biafra Independence Day, and that's the only reasonable Independence Biafrans are free to participate in. That was the day Gen. Chukwuemeka Odimegwu Ojukwu with the backings of the elders and majority of Biafrans authoritatively declared Biafra as a sovereign State, therefore May 30, remains sacrosanct in our mind until any change occurs by the reason of restoration of Biafra.

God bless Mazi Nnamdi Kanu
God bless IPOB worldwide
God bless Biafra the land of the rising sun


Written by:
Eze Joe
(TBRV Writer)
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

Edited by:
Her Excellency Oluchi Christy
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

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