All things work together for good to them who love Chukwu
Okike Abiama and those he called according to his purpose. I believe I am
called by God to be a member of The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV and among
those that will restore Biafra, the land of the rising sun.
It all started from a reply to an anti-Biafran comment
made by someone in a post, which Her Excellency Oluchi Christy powerfully
replied, on that her reply I clicked like on the reply made by Her Excellency
Oluchi Christy Enyinnaya, and also my response on the same comment was
explosive that Her Excellency also clicked like on my comment and that was our
first encounter on Facebook.
Again, after that first incident, I remembered posting a
video of Biafran flag being among other world flags on the floor of BBC
headquarters in UK where I was trying to convince an anti-Biafran fellow that
Biafra has been a nation that was recognised in the world before Lugard created
Nigeria and merged us together in Nigeria, and when Her Excellency saw the
video she clicked like on the video and replied by saying Usain Reyes please
send me the video, and I told her immediately that I will send her friends
request, which I did and she accepted, we became good friends.
Few months later sometime this year, she sent me chat on
messenger about a formidable media forum she opened for Biafra Restoration and
that she needs the Biafran best hands and she asked if I would like to be among
the team, immediately without thinking twice I said yes, I accepted to be one
because I knew it will be a success because of the person involved. So, I
joined. As time goes on I was not meeting up with the demands
because of my tight schedule, but still was an ardent follower. I was following
her, the group and the Page whenever I come on Facebook. Today, to say that I'm
impressed with what TBRV has achieved so far is an understatement, they have
done so much that many people don't know and not aware; and I'm proud and
grateful to Chukwu Okike that am part of this great team of dedicate,
committed, passionate and great intellectuals of our time.
I want to use this opportunity to thank Chukwu Okike for
his blessings and love on us, I want to thank Her Excellency Oluchi Christy
Enyinnaya and my fellow comrades in TBRV for the job well done so far, not
forgetting our brothers and sisters in the Biafran struggle, together we will
ensure that Biafra is actualised.
As we mark our one year of our great team, TBRV today
26th October, 2018, I ask all Biafrans and non-Biafrans to:
Like our Facebook Page: The Biafra Restoration Voice -
Join our Facebook Group: The Biafra Restoration Voice
Follow us on:
Twitter: @TBRVorg
Instagram: @tbrvglobal
Email us: tbrv.org@gmail.com
Written by:
Usain Reyes
(TBRV Writer)
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV
TBRV | Biafra
Published by:
Chibuike Nebeokike
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