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A time came in the life of the children of Israel during their journey to the promised land, and following their stubbornness, doubts, faithlessness, complains, murmurings, unstable manners, very disturbing attitudes from time to time which got Joshua so worried; what Joshua was seeing among them was very discouraging and unacceptable to him and God, he made this proclamation:

"Choose ye this day whom you will serve? As for me and my household we will serve the Lord God Almighty". Folks, there is no middle ground in this life or on any course. You must consciously decide to belong somewhere.

Biafrans, choose ye this day what you want: Is it freedom, which is total restoration of the sovereign state of Biafra or expired Nigeria elections?

You must make up your mind and tell yourself and the public what you want and stop dancing and jumping at every blowing wind, sounds and online trends.

Any sex styles that comes from God knows where, you jump in and become senior lecturer, any online gossip that comes from anywhere, you jump in and become the leader of gossipers, any wave that shows up, vuum it carries you away and you will be floating online like balloon (Bolonbolo) without direction. No clear definition of yourself, aim and what you want to achieve. You are all weather.

Today Biafra, tomorrow Nigeria. This inconsistency in attitude is actually demonic, greediness, evil, untrustworthiness, unseriousness, and attributes of a saboteur. It does not fit you. Say no to it.

Look at how Ambazonians shut down their land last week during the election. No single person went out to vote, all of them from A to Z, big and small, poor and rich, all stayed indoors. The electoral officers from the government and security agencies who were sent to kill and destroy, waited for even one person to come out and vote, none went out. They waited, got tired, and packed their bags and left with shame.

That is awesome and conscious determination of a people, firm resolve and dedication to a course. They didn't allow politicians of the country decide for them and didn't entertain personal opinions and suggestions against their collective interests from scrupulous elements advising them to join politics or mix the struggle with politics and support politicians to get freedom. No. They never did that.

Actually, as their manner is, and in reality, no African politician or government is ready to give you freedom or referendum, no matter their promises. None.

You must be decisive and consistent this time. Biafrans, stand firm and be strong. More tough times and new trends are coming, stronger waves are coming, but tougher people will always exceed every tough time. You must be strong with firm decision for Biafra to overcome them.

Can you be trusted? Will you be counted among the God's chosen for this Biafra restoration struggle? Make up your mind folks!

Ambazonians did it, they abandoned politics and its temporary gains and BOYCOTTED the election in their land 100% and damned the consequences.

Biafrans, we can do it.


Written by:
Her Excellency Oluchi Christy
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

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