Someone came into my inbox to ask why I have failed to
accept his request for a friendship which he sent long time ago. He told me
that he is a Biafran. I then asked him
simple question, for which he failed to provide the answer. In fact, he gave me
the wrong answer and I told him plainly that we are not going to be friends so
long as he has failed the simple test. You know what he did? He started abusing me, calling me an arrogant
and over proud asshole and I looked at him and smiled. He never wanted me to
explain to him why he failed my question. I told him that I am not going to
block him, instead he should go back the same way he came. The next he did was
to block me.
I think it's high time I put this out so as to set the
records straight.
I asked that guy to tell me how many states are there in
Nigeria. He said 36 states. That was absolutely a wrong answer. Nigeria is not
made up of 36 states inasmuch as Biafra is concerned. So, whenever you're
counting the numbers of states in Nigeria, don't ever include southeast, Imo,
Abia, Anambra, Enugu, Ebonyi, Rivers, Akwa Ibom, Delta, Bayelsa, are not part
of Nigeria. They are Biafra's provinces.
Whenever someone asks you to mention the states found in
Nigeria, go ahead and mention the states but count Abia, Akwa Ibom, Anambra,
Bayelsa, Cross River, Ebonyi, Enugu, Delta and Rivers.
In the official document called ‘Introducing the Republic
of Biafra’, the borders were described rather loosely. It stated that the
republic stretched from the lower reaches of the Niger Delta on the West to the
Obudu plateau on the East. From North to South, it laid between the 7th
parallel north and the Bight of Biafra. During its brief existence, Biafra
covered 77,306 square kilometres (29,848 square miles) of land.
As you can see from the map above, the territory of the
republic was divided into 25 provinces;
1 Aba
2 Abakaliki
3 Agbor
4 Ahoada
5 Annang
6 Asaba
7 Awka
8 Calabar
9 Degema
10 Eket
11 Enugu
12 Ikot Ekpene
13 Nnewi
14 Ogoja
15 Oji-River
16 Okigwe
17 Onitsha
18 Orlu
19 Owerri
20 Port-Harcourt
21 Ughelli
22 Umuahia
23 Uyo
24 Warri
25 Yenegoa
The capital of the Republic of Biafra was Owerri. Today,
in place of the Republic of Biafra you can find such Nigerian states as Abia,
Akwa Ibom, Anambra, Bayelsa, Cross River, Ebonyi, Enugu, Delta and Rivers.
Although, there is some controversy over the fact that
the territory of today’s Delta state has actually belonged to Biafra. Some go
as far as saying that Akwa Ibom, Rivers, Bayelsa and Cross River have never
been a part of it either.
Right before the brief existence of the republic, Nigeria
went from being divided into four main regions (Northern, Western, Mid-Western
and Eastern) to being divided into twelve states. As events that followed
happened so quickly, it is hard to say whether the Mid-Western state, which
then became Bendel, and after that — Edo and Delta, has ever been a part of
Biafra. This topic remains controversial to this day.
Did you know?
The republic declared its independence from Nigeria on
May 30, 1967. It existed until January 15, 1970. Even during that brief time,
two presidents had led the country Biafra, namely, Odumegwu Ojukwu and Philip
Effiong. The latter was a president for only four days.
The name Biafra, is derived from the Bight of Biafra,
which is located on the south of the republic. The literal meaning is unknown.
The ancient maps of Africa from as early as 1584 briefly
mentioned Biafra. Although, back then, it was ‘Biafar’, and it included parts
of today’s Cameroon.
The secession of Biafra led to the bloodiest genocide in
the history of Nigeria (which Britain, through BBC, led the world to call the
Nigerian Civil war), which took the lives of (estimated, at least) three million
Fifty (50) years have gone by and the secession movement
is still alive. A lot of people consider themselves Biafrans, and there are
groups like Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra
[MASSOB] and Indigenous People of Biafra [IPOB] but today it is only Mazi
Nnamdi Kanu led IPOB that still tries to revive the Republic of Biafra.
Next time, when someone asks you to name the states found
in Nigeria, you should be able to give the correct answer, don't ever include
Biafra provinces. We are a separate nation and with time, if Nigeria still
exists, she will be left with not less than 10 states because I am convinced
that the Oduduwa's must definitely pull out from this demonic union.
Written by
Victor Obinna Uzoaga
[TBRV Writer /Reporter]
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV
Edited by
Okwunna Okongwu
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV
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