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This is Emiliano Sala, the Argentine footballer allegedly missing alongside his pilot as a plane conveying them to Nantes mysteriously disappeared. He's currently Cardiff City most expensive signing.

 Now here's the gist.

The whole world is enraged, disturbed that 2 persons are missing. Just few days ago Juventus star Cristiano Ronaldo was widely criticised for posting a picture of himself on a flight, simply because Sala is missing with little hopes of being found. This, is the seriousness attached to his sudden disappearance.

The Police has equally called off his search but football stars like Laurent Koscielny, Demarai Gray, Ilkay Gundogan, N'golo Kante, Adrien Rabiot and a host of the Nantes players have all donated about €260k to raise fund for private search for Emiliano Sala and his pilot.

The world is disturbed. Everyone is concerned.

Reason? They value LIFE! They've a sane society and sound mind.

But down here in Africa, basically in West Africa, we have a murderous government spear-headed by the mass murderer himself President Muhammadu Buhari who command his army to shoot at will at peaceful protesters. Here, it's normal to SHOOT at people. In fact, it has gotten to the level where everybody is an endangered species. You are not sure of your life the next minute. Yes, it's this bad here. 

Over 1000 IPOB members have been sent to their maker by this terrorist government. Many IPOB members vested with raw acid merely for peaceful protest. Shiites too have not gotten away from his wrath.

In fact, he's the Pharaoh of our time!

Sadly, and so un-remorsefully from this evil APC government it has no sanctity for Human life. They don't!

Where I come from, The Igbo, we refer to human as "Mma-ndu" which literally when translated to the Queens language entails "The Beauty of life". The Igbo value life.

But this blood thirsty demon presiding over the affairs of over 180 million Nigerians sees terror as a tool to oppress and subdue any opposing voice.

Our hopes hinges on the premise that keeper of Israel, the Holy One of Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps.

Our earnest prayers are that He, the mighty One of Israel will rescue His people from the clutches of evil that has englobed us all under President Muhammadu Buhari.

My prayers are with Emiliano Sala, his family and the world at large in this dire trying times. Let's join hands together to restore humanity. Life invariably is meaningless! Love conquers all and with love we will restore the pride of mankind.

Written by:
Henry Igwe Ogbudimkpa
(TBRV Sports Manager)
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

Published by:
Chibuike John Nebeokike
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

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