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The disposition of our so-called political leaders before the emergence of IPOB movement, ably led by Prophet Nnamdi Kanu years back, always left one in doubt about whether there was still hope left for Biafrans. It appeared as though God had abandoned his people. There seemed to be no sign of hope in sight at the time because the so-called politicians were nothing but mere scavengers.

The wickedness of these political jobbers always left one in grief each time one remembered the efforts of our heroes past which these scavengers strive hard to destroy.

We were told that prior to the criminal British manipulation that was called independence in 1960, and even after the so-called independence, Biafrans had the best political and military leaders in Africa, such as Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe, Dr. Akanu Ibiam, Dr. M.I Okpara, Gen. Aguiyi Ironsi, Gen. Chukwu Emeka Odimegwu Ojukwu and a host of others.

These were noble men who sacrificed almost everything they had, to give Biafrans a good life and a great reputation, though Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe tilted more to one Nigerianism, which happens to be at the root of the dent his name is carrying up to this day. The sad news is that some of the present-day leaders, who occupy very sensitive and strategic posts, including governorship, are aiding the oppression of Biafrans, in the name of one Nigerianism, just like Azikiwe.

Since 1999 when the animal enclave called Nigeria returned to this repackaged enslavement and systematic bondage called democracy, these treacherous gang of robbers and scavengers called political leaders have dominated our political space. They had almost succeeded in selling out Biafra land to Hausa Fulani for their selfish political gains, if not for the divine emergence of IPOB, ably led by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.

The political brigands and bandits, called south east governors, love killing their youths extra-judicially in order to save their political position. This is why Operation Python Dance, which was said to be a nationwide exercise, can only be taking place in Biafra land, abducting, kidnapping, incarcerating, torturing, and killing Biafrans, while the so-called governors are applauding, and gleeing from ear to ear.

In the bid to retain their political positions they have once again invited federal government army of occupation dominated by Hausa Fulani terrorists, Boko Haram exponents, and soldiers with genocidal mentality, in Operation Python Dance 3, to kill and maim Biafrans once again. Ever since then, our people have not been sleeping with their two eyes closed in all of Biafra land.

Our political leaders have colluded with Biafra's enemies (Hausa Fulani caliphate, which controls the federal government), to declare war against unarmed indigenous people of Biafra in our own land.

This is internal subjugation and oppression from our political leaders. They lack the political will to stop Fulani herdsmen from ravaging our land but they have the temerity to invite our enemies to keep killing us. These rogues lack the political sagacity to sponsor or support any Pro-peoples bill in the parliament, but they are always audacious to invite terrorists and anarchists in military uniform, to intimidate Biafrans in their own land, with intent to stampede them into singing a different tune, including making them to vote.

But no amount of intimidation, oppression, or killing, will ever cajole us to be part of the shame called Nigeria election until they give us date for Biafra referendum.

Therefore, Biafrans must boycott the upcoming election. We must say NO to oppression, suppression, subjugation, marginalization and extra-judicial killings by boycotting every election that has to do with Nigeria as we look forward to the date of Biafra referendum.

Udo diri unu umu Chineke.

God bless Mazi Nnamdi Kanu
God bless IPOB worldwide
God bless Biafra the land of the rising Sun


Written by:
Eze Joe
(TBRV Writer)
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

Edited by:
Okwunna Okongwu
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

Published by:
Chibuike John Nebeokike
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

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