When a particular point of weakness, which can be founded
on greed, envy, covetousness, or inordinate ambition, is discovered in anyone,
such a point of weakness can always be capitalized upon, or maximally
exploited, to the detriment, and sometimes, damnation of the person concerned.
The above narrative is a vivid description of the corner,
to which Awolowo boxed himself, and seeing that he had been so entrapped, the
desperate, vicious, expansionist, and the Jihadistic Fulani, working for, and
on behalf of the parasitic and exploitative Britain, took advantage of him to
fleece him.
Though western education came to the south western
Nigeria earlier than it came to the south east, to the consternation and
chagrin of Awolowo, not quite long after western education came to the east,
the south east overtook the south west, not just in education, but almost in
every human development activity.
This seemed to have left a very sour or bitter taste in
the mouth of Awolowo, to the point that he set his mind on working towards the
leadership of Nigeria, so that he could upturn this wide gap, or at least,
narrow it reasonably, using the veto of the presidential office. It was this
thought of leading Nigeria that Britain saw, and through the Fulani,
conscripted Awolowo into the team of genocidists that viciously massacred
Biafrans, as Britain carefully planned and executed the Biafra genocide.
Awolowo could be convinced and conscripted into the
murderous team because he was promised the presidency of Nigeria, by Britain,
through their proxy, the Fulani, under the leadership of the moronic zombie,
Gowon. It was a mere dummy.
Today, because of the consuming thought of owning the
whole of Nigeria, without sparing a thought for the present and future
generations, Tinubu has been found to have been overwhelmed, and almost
consumed in the ambition of ruling Nigeria. That is why the Fulani, (who are
working for the predatory Britain), have swooped on him, making him to support,
accept, conceal, and promote every form of atrocity, especially on Biafrans,
through the duplicitous Oluwole Lagos Ibadan expressway brown envelope gutter
media, with a promise of making him Nigeria's president in 2023.
This also is a dummy.
Equally, Devil Umahi (Dave for short), the incumbent
governor of Ebonyi, has also fallen victim to this destructive vice of
unwholesome desire of becoming president of Nigeria, through paternalistic favouritism
of the Fulani, contrary to the normal performance rewarding promotion. Devil
Umahi has been promised the rulership of Nigeria in 2023 by the Fulani, and
this is the only reason, like Awolowo, he can audaciously enhance the mass
murder of his own people, in the military operation he facilitated, called
Operation Python Dance 3. The carrot, for Umahi, is the presidency of Nigeria
in 2023. This too, is a dummy.
The most pathetic of all these dummies buying and selling
cases is that of Prof Charles Soludo.
Who could have imagined, not to talk of believing, that a
whole Soludo, would have descended to the pitiable low of campaigning to retain
a proven, terroristic, and barbaric impostor, Jubril Aminu of Sudan, in office,
for the reward of unrighteousness of being handed over the presidency of
Nigeria in 2023? This, in very clear terms, is a dummy.
But these greedy and avaricious gluttons, who are being
promised the office of the president, making them to throw caution to the wind,
and involve themselves in the most absurd, the most nihilistic, and the most self-destructive
acts, have not asked Awolowo how the promise made to him was fulfilled. Of
course, it was fulfilled in the breach. Awolowo never had it. It was the
frustration of having invested all his intellect and ability to exterminate
Biafrans, and having seen his woeful failure in his bid to vent his venom of
hatefulness on Biafra that led Awolowo to disappointment, confusion,
frustration, depression, and ultimately, to suicide.
It is the same dummy that was sold to Awolowo that is
being simultaneously sold to Tinubu, Umahi, and Soludo. And as the genocidist
Awolowo was scammed, which ultimately led to his death by suicide, so will
these treacherous men continue to grope endlessly in the dark, without ever
nearing the presidential office, despite being instruments of atrocities of
various degrees, to their own people.
Remember the Biafra referendum and election boycott
evangelism days to keep them holy. (11th commandment).
God bless Ikemba Nnewi, Odumegwu Ojukwu.
God bless Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.
God bless Biafra and Biafrans.
Come quickly Oh Biafra!
Written by:
Okwunna Okongwu
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV
Published by:
Chibuike John Nebeokike
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV
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