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It is natural that when people encounter or experience even what will be very beneficial to them for the first time, their first reaction is usually repulsion, then reprehension, followed by reclusion, and finally by reabsorption.

The above can be said to be the case of the great IPOB, ably led by the highly intelligent, indefatigable, indomitable, charismatic, and infectious Lord Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. It is difficult to recall that many people expressed their reaction towards our Supreme Leader, Lord Mazi Nnamdi Kanu particularly, and the great IPOB family dismissively, even with ignominy, or at best, indifferently.

The case of the reaction of the former president of Cowgeria (Nigeria), Olusegun Obasanjo, is still very fresh in everyone's mind, when he said that IPOB members are "miscreants, touts, unemployed and unemployable youths, who are only seeking attention, to perhaps, attract more national cake to themselves". Everybody knows that Obasanjo has eaten his words, and has been covertly calling for a dialogue with IPOB.

This Obasanjo scenario is the case with the whole world, especially Cowgerians, and Biafrans particularly. Many Cowgerians and Biafrans, who are not in the firm grip of their arrogance and pride, are secretly and openly calling for dialogue with IPOB. Otherwise, what do you think that Ooni of Ife, Atiku Abubakar, Danjuma, Sheikh Gumi, and Afonja Tinubu were doing when they suddenly became apostles for the plea of unity?

Relate the above with the VIP treatment given to Ike Ekweremadu at Nuremberg, Germany. When the news of the "warm reception" given to Ekweremadu first broke, (without the accompanying videos), many people were outraged, terrified, and then embittered. But as time went on, the details of what transpired at Nuremberg began to appear, together with the video clips. It was at this point that people could ascertain what really happened, who were responsible, and the purpose of the VIP treatment, to Ekweremadu. Our Supreme Leader, Lord Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, finally cleared every shade of doubt with his subsequent thunderous broadcast, in which he clarified a number of things, with undeniable assurances.

No doubt, the brains of a lot of people, including Cowgerians, but especially Biafrans, were reconfigured and "resetted", and their eyes were opened, as it was in the day of Prophet Isaiah (in Isaiah chapter 6).

Since then, many people, who were previously opposed to, or outraged about the Ekweremadu treatment at Nuremberg, have been calling for the generalization of the same treatment to all the politicians in Cowgeria, especially those from Biafra land.

At this point, it is pertinent to call on Biafrans all over the world, to take advantage of the platform and template already provided by the great IPOB family in Nuremberg, to replicate the Nuremberg baptism and deliverance upon all the scavengers and predators appointed by the satanic Britain, through their Fulani proxy, who parade themselves as leaders in Biafra, to conduct similar, or more intensive baptism and deliverance, and recover them of the hypnosis that is almost driving them to amnesia and insanity.

It must not be forgotten that it was Obasanjo himself who said that "you don't reinforce failure. It is success that is reinforced".

Ka Chukwu Okike Abiama gọzie Ikemba Nnewi, Ọdụmegwu Ojukwu, Lord Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, Biafra, na ndị Biafra niile.

Come quickly, Oh Biafra!


Written by:
Okwunna Okongwu
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

Published by:
Chibuike John Nebeokike
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

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