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Early this morning as I woke up from sleep, the persecution that hit the early Church and the Army invasion of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu's home in 2017 flashed upon my mind. And as I began to meditate on the two accounts, of what happened to them, that meditation brought about this post.

During that period, the early churches were together and happy within and among themselves, worshipping and praising God in singleness of heart. No pains, no troubles, they were happy and enjoying God and their salvation.

They went about preached the gospel to their kinds, fellow Jews and many were added to the Church in great numbers.

They held on to the gospel and took God as their own ONLY and had no desire and intention to share him and his gospel with others, the Gentiles. But that was not the WILL of God for them and the world. God's WILL was for them to take the message to the world, to the Gentiles.

Since God knew that they would never take the message out to the Gentiles and the only way to get them out of their comfort zone with the gospel was to allow the persecution that hit them those days to happen to them. So, he allowed them to be persecuted big time, even killed during that hot persecution and they ran out and were scattered all around the world preaching the gospel everywhere they went and were. That was how the gospel moved out from Israel to the Gentiles and still spreading all over the world.

Now, bring it home to Biafra.

When Mazi Nnamdi Kanu was released from prison. People from all corners of Nigeria and outside Nigeria flooded his house to congratulate him, they identified with him and with Biafra, they shook hands with him, some posed with him and snapped pictures with him and posted on Facebook and said he's their leader and inspiration and the only man they respect in their life, others knelt down and pledged allegiance and submission to the Biafra course etc.

People were happy, and comfortably happy with him in Afara Ukwu Umuahia. But that was not ONLY the WILL of God for him and why he safely brought him out of prison. There is a bigger picture and WILL of God that he must accomplish, but not in Afara Ukwu, Umuahia.

And God who ruleth in the affairs and 💓 hearts of men, moved in the 💓 heart of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, and he stood up and decided, in spite of the wicked bail conditions which they planned to cage him with and also cage Biafra Restoration, which legally was against his human rights, he boldly rejected them and despised them and went out and preached Biafra to everyone in every corner and state of Biafra.

And a time came in the plan of God that he needed to move him out of Biafra land and out of Nigeria with the message of Biafra to the world, but there was no way and no how he could naturally move out of Nigeria. And God saw the evils and wickedness in the hearts of the Fulani caliphate in Nigeria and Igbo Efulefus towards him and Biafra restoration, he allowed them to carry out that murderous persecution / invasion of his house. And because he's involved, he intervened and safely took him out of Nigeria to where he is now, going from nation to nation, from country to country preaching Biafra to the world. It's sad to note that a lot of people died in the process of that invasion of his house. God is not unaware that they died, just as he was not unaware that so many people died during the early Church persecution for them to be scattered abroad with the gospel.

My people all things are working together for the restoration of Biafra sovereignty.

God is fully involved in what we are doing.

So, cheer up!

Biafra has come!

Written by:
Her Excellency Oluchi Christy Enyinnaya
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

Published by:
Chibuike John Nebeokike
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

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